Reader View Extra


Distraction free reader view. Customize with themes and options. Remove visual clutter and clean your mind


使用此应用程序,您可以: 📌自定义主题,字体,文本的大小 📌删除导航,广告,格式化,横幅等 📌清除您的思想和感知更多信息 📌隐藏或显示其他链接和图片


The Reader View Extra is made to help you work and read without distractions (ads, background noise, banners, etc.)

Using this app you can: 📌 Customize themes, fonts, text’s size 📌 Remove navigation, ads, formatting, banners, etc. 📌 Clear your mind and percept more information 📌 Hide or show additional links and pictures

With this feature, you will have a distraction-free reader view and a lot more productive time-spending.