Weather Forecast

使用Weather Underground提供当地和远期的天气预报

Weather Forecast 是您浏览器的综合天气预报扩展程序

1. 多地点支持。
2. 在工具栏图标中显示当前天气温度。
3. 以三种不同格式显示 10 天天气预报。
4. 显示所选位置的雷达图,以及更多有用的信息。
5. 覆盖全球。


Weather Forecast is a comphensive weather forecasting extension for your browser

Key Features:
1. Multiple locations support.
2. Shows the current weather temperature in the toolbar icon.
3. Shows 10-Day Weather Forecast in three different formats.
4. Shows a Radar map of the selected location, plus a lot more useful information.
5. Has global coverage.