




* 直接从电脑发布照片和视频。
* 从您的Feed或Story中下载视频和照片。
* 两种屏幕尺寸模式 - Descktop或Phone:您应该选择哪个?
* Repost Helper - 在Instagram上重新发布图片和视频到您的Feed和Stories。
* 没有下载限制 - 此扩展免费且安全!
您是否正在寻找一种简单的下载Instagram视频和照片的方法? 别再看! 使用FastSave&Repost,您只需单击即可快速保存Instagram中的任何照片或视频。 不仅如此,所有用户都是100%免费的。 那么,为什么不尝试一下

使用FastSave&Repost就像在智能手机上使用该应用一样简单。 它还使您可以看到照片或视频剪辑,并将它们直接从计算机发布到Instagram。 另外,您可以使用内置功能来保存图片和视频,而无需任何下载限制。

** 从您的提要,故事,IGTV,卷轴甚至Instagram故事下载下载视频和照片。
*两种屏幕尺寸模式 - 桌面或电话:您应该选择哪个?
*重新启动助手 - 在Instagram上使用FastSave&Repost Repost图片和视频。
*无下载限制 - 此 扩展是免费和安全的! 另外,借助我们的IG下载器,Instagram Downloader,Instagram视频下载器,Instagram Photos Downloader,Instagram Story Downloader和Download Instagram Reels Tools,您可以轻松地从平台中保存所有喜欢的内容。 您是喜欢在平台上创建和共享内容的狂热的Instagram用户吗? 如果是,那么您必须遇到一些您希望下载并保存以后的惊人视频和图像。 好吧,这对您来说是个好消息! 借助FastSave&Repost,下载Instagram内容已变得轻而易举。

无论是IGTV视频,卷轴剪辑还是故事图像,您现在只需单击即可保存所有喜欢的内容。 FastSave&Repost是一个免费的工具,可让您快速下载Instagram中的任何照片或视频。 另外,它非常易于使用!

与其他Instagram下载器区分开的设置FastSave并重新发布的是它在PC上使用的能力。 现在,您可以浏览Instagram feed并将任何内容直接下载到计算机上。 如果您想保留自己喜欢的帖子的备份,或者想在自己的个人资料中重新发布它们,则此功能特别有用。

- 从Instagram下载照片和视频,
- 直接从您的计算机上发布照片和视频
- 两种屏幕尺寸模式(桌面或手机),以获得最佳的查看体验
- 重新发布助手以重新发布图片和视频 在Instagram上使用FastSave&Repost
- 无限制 - 此扩展程序是完全免费且安全的!

,您还在等什么? 立即下载FastSave并重新发布,并开始保存所有您喜欢的Instagram内容! 您是一个狂热的Instagram用户,喜欢保留自己喜欢的照片和视频收藏吗? 好消息! 您现在可以轻松地从Instagram下载任何照片或视频,这要归功于FastSave&Repost Tool。 这个惊人的工具不仅可以只需单击即可将照片和视频保存在PC上,而且对于所有用户来说也是完全免费的!

通过FastSave&Repost,您可以像您的Instagram一样使用Instagram 您的智能手机。 您可以浏览供稿或故事,并下载任何引起您注意的照片或视频。 此外,此工具具有内置功能,可让您直接从计算机上发布照片和视频。

,但这还不是全部! FastSave&Repost还提供了一系列惊人的功能,例如两种屏幕尺寸模式 - 桌面或手机,可让您选择喜欢的屏幕大小。 此外,它具有重新启动的助手,可以使您的feed和故事轻松且轻松地在Instagram上重新张贴图片和视频。

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Use Instagram just like you’d typically use it on your smartphone. In addition, you can see photos or video clips and post them on Instagram from your computer. A bonus is a built-in function to save pictures and videos.

Complete List of Features:
* Post photos and videos directly from your computer.
* Download videos and photos from your feed or story.
* Two screen size modes - Descktop or Phone: Which should you choose?
* Repost Helper - Repost pictures and videos on Instagram to your feed and stories.
* No download limitations - this extension is free and safe.!
Are you looking for an easy way to download Instagram videos and photos? Look no further! With FastSave & Repost, you can quickly save any photo or video from Instagram with just one click. Not only that, but it's 100% free for all users. So why not give it a try?

Using FastSave & Repost is as simple as using the app on your smartphone. It also lets you see photos or video clips and post them directly to Instagram from your computer. Plus, you can use the built-in function to save pictures and videos without any download limitations.

Here's a full list of features:
* Post photos and videos directly from your computer.
* Download videos and photos from your feed, story, IGTV, Reels and even Instagram Story Download.
* Two screen size modes - Desktop or Phone: Which should you choose?
* Repost Helper - Repost pictures and videos on Instagram to your feed and stories using FastSave & Repost.
* No download limitations - this extension is free and safe! Plus, with the help of our IG downloader, Instagram downloader, Instagram video downloader, Instagram photo downloader, Instagram Story Downloader, and Download Instagram Reels tools, you can easily save all your favorite content from the platform.Are you an avid Instagram user who loves to create and share content on the platform? If yes, then you must have come across some amazing videos and images that you wished to download and save for later. Well, here's some great news for you! With FastSave & Repost, downloading Instagram content has become a breeze.

Whether it's an IGTV video, Reels clip or a Story image, you can now save all your favorite content with just one click. FastSave & Repost is a free tool that allows you to quickly download any photo or video from Instagram. Plus, it's incredibly easy to use!

What sets FastSave & Repost apart from other Instagram downloaders is its ability to be used on your PC. You can now browse through your Instagram feed and download any content directly onto your computer. This feature is especially helpful if you want to keep a backup of your favorite posts or if you want to repost them on your own profile.

Here are some of the key features of FastSave & Repost:
- Download photos and videos from Instagram with ease
- Post photos and videos directly from your computer onto Instagram
- Two screen size modes (Desktop or Phone) for optimal viewing experience
- Repost Helper to repost pictures and videos on Instagram using FastSave & Repost
- No limitations on downloads - this extension is completely free and safe!

So, what are you waiting for? Download FastSave & Repost today and start saving all your favorite Instagram content!Are you an avid Instagram user who loves to keep a collection of your favorite photos and videos? Good news! You can now download any photo or video from Instagram with ease, thanks to the FastSave & Repost tool. This amazing tool not only allows you to save photos and videos on your PC with just one click, but it is also completely free for all users!

With FastSave & Repost, you can use Instagram just like you would on your smartphone. You can browse through your feed or stories and download any photo or video that catches your eye. Additionally, this tool comes with a built-in feature that lets you post photos and videos directly from your computer.

But that's not all! FastSave & Repost also offers a range of amazing features such as two screen size modes - Desktop or Phone, which lets you choose the size of the screen you pfer. Furthermore, it has a Repost Helper that makes reposting pictures and videos on Instagram to your feed and stories easy and hassle-free.

This extension is completely safe and free from download limitations. So why wait? Download FastSave & Repost today and enjoy seamless downloading of Instagram photos and videos. Don't forget to use keywords such as "Instagram, IG, Reels, IGTV, Story, IG downloader, Instagram downloader, Instagram video downloader, Instagram photo downloader, Instagram Story Download, Download Instagram Reels" to optimize the article for search engines.